Discover why data quality is crucial for unlocking the true value of big data. Quality data is accurate, reliable, and relevant, free from errors or duplicates. Learn how organizations can ensure data quality, overcome challenges, and leverage high-quality big data for enhanced decision-making and business success.

While big data offers numerous possibilities, big data’s value is greatly dependent on the quality of the underlying data. Understanding why can help to build a data quality business case.

Quality data refers to accurate, reliable, and relevant information that is free from errors, inconsistencies, or duplicates.

big data, quality matters

Survey show the importance of data quality

“Big Data” surveys on both sides of the Atlantic show very different levels of adoption of big data analytics

A Forbes report on the 2012/2013 NewVantage Partners big data survey, of Fortune 1000 companies, shows that over 68% of respondents are investing more than 1 million dollars in big data this year, while 91% of C-suite executives polled indicated that a big data initiative was either planned or in progress.

By contrast, the 2012/2013 Steria survey of 650 participants shows that only 7% of European companies rate big data as “very relevant” to their business.

Where the US companies are seeing significant value, predominantly in the area of advanced analytics, European companies are struggling to get past the challenges associated with poor data quality.

Data governance has not been a focus for European firms, with 70% identifying a lack of data governance and BI strategy as key contributors to poor-quality data.

Data quality and the lack of an enterprise view are cited as significant barriers to big data entry.

In the US, where big data adoption has doubled from the same time last year, 61% of firms report the adoption of data governance – with nearly 50% indicating that a C-Level executive is responsible for enterprise information and big data. In 48% of firms new roles, such as that of the chief Data Officer, and new processes and structures are critical to ensure successful business adoption.

Steria’s top recommendation for big data laggards: put data quality at the top of your Big Data Agenda

Put Data Quality at the top of your big data agenda

While the sheer volume and variety of big data can be overwhelming, the quality of the data is of utmost importance.

Poor data quality can lead to incorrect insights, flawed decision-making, and missed opportunities.

To ensure the reliability and usefulness of big data, organizations need to focus on the following aspects:

Ensuring Accurate Data Collection

The first step in maintaining data quality is to ensure accurate data collection. This involves using robust data collection methods, validating the source of the data, and implementing effective data capture mechanisms. By capturing accurate data from reliable sources, organizations can lay a strong foundation for quality big data analysis.

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Raw data often contains errors, inconsistencies, and irrelevant information. Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques are employed to remove duplicate records, correct inaccuracies, and eliminate irrelevant data. This step helps in improving the overall quality and reliability of the data.

Eliminating Redundancy and Inconsistency

In big data, redundancy and inconsistency can arise due to multiple data sources or data integration processes. It is essential to identify and eliminate redundant and inconsistent data to avoid misleading analysis and inaccurate results. Data integration and deduplication techniques play a vital role in this regard.

Validating and Verifying Data

Validating and verifying the data is crucial to ensure its accuracy and reliability. This involves checking data against predefined rules, performing statistical analyses, and comparing it with external sources. By validating and verifying the data, organizations can have confidence in the insights and decisions derived from big data analysis.

The Benefits of Quality Big Data

Ensuring high-quality big data offers several benefits to organizations across various industries. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

Enhanced Decision-Making

Quality big data provides valuable insights that can significantly enhance decision-making processes. By leveraging accurate and reliable data, organizations can make informed decisions based on evidence and analysis rather than relying on assumptions or intuition.

Improved Customer Insights

Big data enables organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their customers. By analyzing customer behaviours, preferences, and feedback, businesses can tailor their products and services to meet customer needs more effectively. This leads to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Personalized Marketing Campaigns

With quality big data, organizations can personalize their marketing campaigns based on individual customer preferences and behaviours. By delivering targeted messages and offers, businesses can improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, increase customer engagement, and drive sales.

Efficient Operations and Cost Reduction

Quality big data analysis can uncover inefficiencies and bottlenecks in business operations. By identifying areas for improvement, organizations can streamline processes, reduce costs, and increase operational efficiency. This optimization can lead to significant savings and a competitive edge in the market.

Challenges in Ensuring Data Quality

Ensuring data quality in the realm of big data comes with its own set of challenges. Let’s explore some of the common hurdles:

Data Volume and Velocity

The sheer volume and velocity at which data is generated make it challenging to maintain data quality. Organizations must implement scalable data storage and processing systems to handle the massive influx of data without compromising quality.

Data Variety and Complexity

Big data is not limited to structured data alone. It encompasses unstructured and semi-structured data as well, including text, images, audio, and video. Managing and ensuring the quality of such diverse data types requires specialized tools and techniques.

Data Security and Privacy

As big data contains sensitive information, ensuring data security and privacy is crucial. Organizations must adopt robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, breaches, and cyber threats. Compliance with data protection regulations is also vital to maintain data quality and trust.

Best Practices for Ensuring Data Quality

To overcome the challenges and ensure data quality in big data analytics, organizations can follow these best practices:

Establishing Data Governance Policies

Implementing data governance frameworks and policies helps in defining data quality standards, data ownership, and accountability within the organization. This ensures that data quality is a shared responsibility across all departments and stakeholders.

Implementing Data Quality Tools and Processes

Utilizing advanced data quality tools and processes can significantly improve the accuracy and reliability of big data. These tools can automate data cleansing, validation, and verification tasks, reducing the burden on data analysts and ensuring consistent data quality.

Regular Data Audits and Monitoring

Periodic data quality audits and continuous monitoring are essential to maintain data quality over time. By regularly evaluating data quality metrics and addressing any issues proactively, organizations can prevent data degradation and maintain high-quality big data.

Collaboration Between IT and Business Units

Effective collaboration between IT teams and business units is crucial for ensuring data quality. By working together, these teams can understand the specific requirements and challenges associated with data quality in different business contexts and devise appropriate solutions.


In the era of big data, quality matters.

Organizations that prioritize data quality are better equipped to harness the true potential of big data analytics. By ensuring accurate, reliable, and timely data, businesses can make informed decisions, gain valuable insights, and drive growth and innovation. Embracing best practices and overcoming challenges in data quality management will pave the way for success in the data-driven future.


Why is data quality important?

Data quality is important because it ensures the accuracy, reliability, and usefulness of data for decision-making and analysis. High-quality data leads to more reliable insights and better business outcomes.

How can organizations ensure data quality?

Organizations can ensure data quality by implementing robust data collection methods, employing data cleaning and preprocessing techniques, validating and verifying data, and establishing data governance policies.

What are the common challenges in maintaining data quality?

Common challenges in maintaining data quality include managing the volume and velocity of data, handling diverse data types and complexity, and ensuring data security and privacy.

And don’t overlook the nuances: big data quality is a multifaceted issue that demands attention at every level of your organization.

Are there any specific tools available for data quality management?

Yes, there are specific tools available for data quality management. These tools automate data cleansing, validation, and verification tasks, helping organizations maintain high-quality data.

How does data quality impact decision-making?

Data quality impacts decision-making by providing accurate and reliable information for analysis. High-quality data enables informed decision-making based on evidence and insights, leading to better outcomes.

Dispelling myths is essential.

In 5 big data myths busted we separate fact from fiction to navigate the big data landscape effectively.

Responses to “Big data, quality matters!”

  1. 5 Big Data Myths, Busted | Data Quality Matters

    […] recommendations, that companies approach Big Data with a data management plan and that data quality is important, are in line with recent studies that show that companies that […]

  2. Clean data versus more data | Data Quality Matters

    […] A sound data governance strategy will provide you with the framework to categorise different data according to its use and importance. You can then plan to put the correct levels of data quality in place, based on what is right for you. Data governance has been shown to have a positive impact on big data  analytics success as discussed in Big data, Quality matters […]

  3. Quality data gives better, bigger insights | Data Quality Matters

    […] data quality community have been highlighting the importance of quality data for big data analytics for years. [Tweet […]

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